Get BOOKED ON PODCASTS THAT Your Future Customers Listen To

We specialize in strategically placing you as a guest on podcasts that resonate with your target audience, boosting your authority and expanding your visibility.

Our 3 Step Process To Increasing Your Visibility

1. Develop Your Pitch Story

We work with you to extract the stories, events, and insights that make podcast hosts eager to have you on their show.

2. Do Tailored Research and Outreach

We identify the podcast shows your audience is tuning into and are influenced from, both large and small.

3. Pitch and Book You on Podcasts

We leverage our connections, relationships, and outreach to pitch you to show hosts and book you on them without you having to lift a finger.

Engage Deeply with Your Future Customers

Share Your Founder Story

Escape the constraints of traditional media. Podcasts offer the luxury of time to forge a genuine connection with engaged listeners.

Educate to Build Trust

Become the trusted expert. Transform each interview into a masterclass that empowers your audience, laying the groundwork for loyal relationships and future sales.

Leverage Authority and Trust

Instantly leverage the trust build by the host with their audience to ethically fast track your authority and credibility.

Create a Flywheel Effect

Podcast are evergreen.  This means that your episode can be discovered both now and in the future, creating an ongoing opportunity to reach new future customers.

Borrow OTher Peoples Authority and Audience

Leverage the established trust and following of industry influencers through strategic podcast guesting. By appearing on popular shows, you tap into a pre-built audience, borrowing the host's authority to amplify your own. This connection not only boosts your visibility but also endorses your expertise, allowing you to reach and resonate with a wider, engaged community ready to hear your message.

The Power of Podcast PR

  • Establish trust rapidly by showcasing your expertise in in-depth, 30-minute podcast features
  • Elevate your status by joining industry leaders on renowned third-party podcasts
  • Warm up prospects with your podcast stories, prepping them for a sales call that converts
  • Repurpose each podcast appearance into a wealth of social content, from videos to tweets
  • Leverage podcast credibility to secure speaking engagements with ease
  • Sharpen your message and speaking skills with every podcast, boosting confidence and clarity


Precision Targeting

Connect with the ideal listeners by appearing on curated podcasts that matter.

Podcast Interview Prep

Tailor every appearance for maximum engagement and listener action

Ideal Podcast Placements

Secure spots on top-rated and listened to shows that elevate your brand's presence.

Interview Tracking

Be in the know with live updates on your podcast appearances and audience reach.

Dynamic Strategy

Continuously refine your approach with strategic insights for sustained success.

Dedicated Slack Channel

Enjoy immediate, transparent dialogue with your dedicated podcasting team.

Network Access

Leverage our existing network of podcast hosts eager to support you as a featured guest.

Dedicated Outreach 

Enjoy a team dedicated to handling all the outreach and scheduling on your behalf.


Simply put, it's the modern way to accelerate your visibility.

What most people don't realize is that you can leverage the trust, audience, and authority of others who have direct access to your ideal audience.  Integrating this strategy is the fastest way to reach and drive impact with your future customers.

Trevor Robinson


Book an Intro Call
Complete Onboarding
Media Asset Development
Interview on Podcast


Everybody has a story to share...we believe in helping you share it.   Guesting on podcasts can benefit:

  • Founders , Entrepreneurs, and Soloprenuers
  • B2B Brands and Agencies
  • Coaches, Consultants, Authors, and Experts 
  • SaaS Companies

Share your story


Monthly Installments 


/per mo

  • Unlimited Podcast Bookings
  • Dedicated Slack Channel Support
  • Media Asset Development
  • Podcast Interview Training and Best Practices
  • Podcast Tracking Database
  • Pay as You Go



$5,500 (paid quarterly)

  • Unlimited Podcast Bookings
  • Dedicated Slack Channel Support
  • Media Asset Development
  • Podcast Interview Training and Best Practices
  • Podcast Tracking Database
  • Long Term Strategic Planning
  • Discounted Pricing